Wednesday 16 January 2008

Waiting for my school report

First thing tomorrow I'm going on an official visit to Peanut's prospective primary school. She's due to start next January and the headmaster apparently doesn't like any pupil starting whose parents haven't made a prior visit. And yes, this is a state school!

There's no guarantee Peanut will even be accepted as they're over-subscribed and just got the most glowing report from Ofsted. It will come down to numbers, whether you fit into the catchment [yes, but catchment b] and if there are siblings already attending [obviously no].

I was a bit cheeky [read: risky] but on the advice of my in-laws I only put this one school on my application. It's at the top of our road so I will not be amused should she not get in! D-day is April 1st, when I'll receive an email from the local authority advising us of her fate.

I feel like I'm the one that's being inspected tomorrow when it should be the other way around! I'll let you know tomorrow whether I escape unscathed.

p.s. today is day 32 of baby watch and still no sign of negative confirmation. I could of course have the longest natural cycle known to man, or my body could simply be settling into a rhythm after years of preventative drugs. If there's still no sign by Saturday [day 35] I think I'll take a test.

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