Wednesday 23 January 2008


I’ve hurt my back. Nothing dramatic, not a slipped disc or anything, but a continual dull ache in the lower and middle areas, sometimes accompanied by a sharp tingle down the left side. Enough for me take the day off today. And tomorrow. And probably Friday too.

I have an appointment with my doctor tomorrow morning; no doubt he’ll just tell me to rest and usher me out of his room. I don’t particularly want him to prescribe painkillers as I think I can manage without them until it recovers all by itself. I would just like reassurance I’m not inflicting long-term damage and for him to support the notion I need to change my work responsibilities to alleviate the cause.

See, that’s my problem. I think it’s my job that’s causing my pain. I commission photography for a niche consumer magazine and the product we promote is heavy. As part of organising our shoots I have to make sure we have the products available we wish to promote. If the product isn’t being delivered into my office, it’s being unpacked, moved, checked off a spreadsheet and then shipped out again to a shoot location. Sounds simple enough but when 1 average box weighs 16lbs/7.2kg and yesterday alone I unpacked at least 20 boxes, it means I shifted 336lbs/24 stone/152 kilos of the stuff yesterday alone!

I admit, we’re very busy right now so there’s way more to deal with than is normal but this summer will see me reach my 3rd year in the job and I think it’s finally taking its toll. The ridiculous thing is my employer pays me far too high a salary to be dealing with this rubbish, it’s just that no one else is silly enough to take on the responsibility. Believe me, I’ve been trying to handover the reins to a colleague [any colleague] for the past year but no-one wants to know! And as they’re my shoots, and I need the products in the right place at the right time, the buck stops with me.

Which is why I need to go see my doctor tomorrow. Even if I think I can physically get by without him I need him to help me build my case with work. Maybe he will sign me off sick and I can have an extended period at home? Maybe he’ll tell me I can’t do my job anymore and my employer has to pay me off? Fat chance but I do like to daydream.


lattemommy said...

Sorry to hear about your back. Hope you feel better soon!

Agnes Miller said...

Thanks. It's partly my own fault as well, I like to show I can handle everything on my own without needing help, forgetting I'm not actually superwoman!