Thursday 3 January 2008


Second day at work after a long break. What more can I say?

This marketing lark is rubbish really yet everyone behaves like its life or death. Who really cares whether we mail in a biodegradable polywrap or paper outer? I’m sure the person who receives our ‘junk’ doesn’t give two hoots.

I miss Peanut; I miss being at home and taking care of her and taking care of our life. Here all I get to do is take care of other peoples ‘stuff’, none of which is greatly important in the grand scheme of things.

Oh how I wish I could quit my job. Not because I hate it, don’t get me wrong, I’m quite good at what I do and respected for doing it well. Just that if I had my way I’d not have to do it at all.

If only I hadn’t bought all that designer crap in my 20s maybe I would be able to afford to. Talk about shooting myself in the foot.

I’m sure this time next week I’ll be back in the swing of things and getting on with it. Right now I’m yearning for my resolutions/wishes to come true.

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