Friday 4 January 2008

Thank goodness it's Friday...?

I 'work from home' on Fridays, and Peanut stays home too. It save us one day of nursery fees each week; every little helps with resolution number 6!

On an ordinary Friday I stick close to the laptop in the morning in case issues arise and then, as it gets towards mid afternoon, I begin to feel better about heading out of the house [confident I’m not as indispensable as I imagine and it’s safe to venture out without being missed].

Unfortunately Peanut remained under the weather today so we didn’t get out. At all. We didn’t even venture out of the lounge all that much. To say I had cabin fever by the time my husband came home from work just wouldn’t be going far enough!

Peanut was my shadow all day, wanting cuddles and to sit on my knee every five minutes. Which in some ways is gorgeous but in other ways is quite draining as you just don’t get to move or take care of anything else you need to.

Anyway, out of the blue, Peanut made a 300% recovery at about 5pm so I’m not sure if she’s playing me for a fool in retaliation for putting her back in nursery? Let’s see what tomorrow brings…

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